The word I settled on has a taste of 'the fear of the frighteners' which I like, and which I felt tied in with Lucretius' view of superstitions that frighten adults like children frightened of the dark.

Good analysis, jheem.

How about "phobiaphobia"?

After all, the strategic mission of terrorists is not to produce acts of terrorism on the scale of the terror which those acts produce, but to produce a public state of mind which renders further acts of terrorism redundant.

Since the fallout from 9-11 has produced a public perception, whether credible or not, that all acts of terrorism wherever they occur in the world are coordinated by a master terrorist and, therefore, ultimately directed at 'us', the terrorists who actually have 'us' in their sights don't actually have to do anything ... except, perhaps, keep the back channels humming with disinformation.