But which would you prefer? Thiefdom or kleptocracy? Schizophrenia, dementia præcox, or splitmindedness? Renovation or againnewing?

Since you asked, I prefer "schizophrenia" {which is pronounced with 3 beats), "dementia praecox" (pronounced with two) and "renovation" (pronounced with 3), but I abjure "deimatotriaphobia" which is almost unpronounceable, at least in english, with 6 beats because it is absurdly pretentious, especially considering there is a simple, serviceable and self-explanatory alternative readily available, namely, "terroristphobia", and, further, because the psychological condition we are describing with this word is not a mental disorder befitting a medical appellation, but a nearly-universal and, therefore, perfectly normal state of mind prevalent throughout most of North America, especially the United States.