It's the title of a book by L. Sprague DeCamp. My original net moniker (more than 20 years ago) was "zdim." (At net parties, people always called each other by their handles, btw, so there are people who still only know me as "zdim".) It's not Tolstoy, but I became enamored with the character. Soon I switched to the usual moniker.

I've used others. On undernet, I'm TheFiend. On playsite I'm lemniscate. Usually this is because of some limitation on the name length. Many years ago, on the Bitnet Relays I sometimes went by OmarKhayyam, MarkTwain, or AnaisNin. But that wasn't too frequent. 99% of the time, regardless of the forum, I use the TFF name. I'm just accustomed to it now.
