Bless your sweet heart, Emanuela, for wishing us all a "buon Natale" and a "felice Anno Nuovo." You took a little risk in doing so. In the United States, there is a sense that it is no longer politically correct to wish anyone a "Merry Christmas" for fear that the person addressed may be Jewish or Muslim or Druid and find the distinctly Christian greeting grounds for offense. I have never known a Jew or Muslim or Druid who actually was offended by being wished a "Merry Christmas" but the mere hypothetical possibility that some Jew or Muslim or Druid exists somewhere who might be offended is enough to move the forces of political correctness into high gear. Thus there is a deluge of "new" Christmas cards which contain expressions like "Happy Holidays" or "Best of the Season."

I join Emanuela in wishing you all (Jews, Muslims and Druids included) a happy Christmastide.