re:--At first glance rule by slaves or by the poor both sound like oxymoronocracies

in personal relationsships, its called terrony of the weak.

societies that had slaves, but realize the social and political problems with them sometimes find they can't get rid of slavery as easily as they thought. and the slaves, see slavery as a sort of welfare system.

the 'ruling class' could come done hard, adn abuse the slaves, but the society has moved into a position were slavery is accepted, but cruelty to slaves is not tollerated.. so when the slave do nothing, (but demand their owners feed them, house them, and cloth them..)

--its something akin to the reputation civil service unions have... Years ago, CS Unions got the 'right' to short hours in the summer, when most city offices were not air conditioned.. Now, they have the right to AC and they still have the right to 'summer hours'-- the unions are strong, and its hard to fight them on these sort of abuses.. (because now, all summer employees think they are entitled to short summer hours!--(short hours are leave at 4:30-get paid as if you worked to 5PM)