there is, too, a NT biblical proverb about 'every jot and tittle'

in hebrew, (or is it old aramaic?) vowels were not always included in the text. the equivient of H had a H(a) sound, so the name hannah, was written hnnh. --and 'everyone' understood it to be Hannah--but as we have seen with the 'mispelled words' thread (some months ago, human minds tend to 'fill in' and read things. so we ]unerdsantnd the word in blue to be be understand. --BUT there were words that we all 'misread'--and once we did, it was hard to read it correctly.

you can see how this kind of mistake, over time, could play havoc with a text!

Jots and tittles are used in hewbrew(armamic?) to make clear the 'correct' word-- by indicating the correct place to put the vowels, and which vowel to use.
and i agree, i's and t's is clearer than is and ts!