a. Adiaphora – [Greek] anhidrosis; absence of sweating.

b. the body of literature dealing with mythological deep-sea creatures and civilizations

c. A type of sculpture consisting of carefully equilibrated parts that move, especially in response to air currents.

d. A type of bioluminescence found in the dermal secretions of certain octopods.

e. A journey, mental and/or physical, in search of solid reality.

f. [Greek] Things without consequence.

g. Conical earthenware vessel from the Attic period.

h. A kind of small mole that grows just below the outermost layer of skin.

i. a complete lack of worry or concern about how one lives

j. Form of small earthenware container with glazed interior, manufactured by various Mediterranean civilisations during classical times. Typically used for storing incense, potions and ungents used for religious ceremonies. From Greek a -priv dia -through phora -container

k. A metrical pattern comprising two anapests, an iamb, a trochee, and an iamb, common in Classical Roman poetry.

l. a non-porous container

m. A medical term describing the syndrome of confusion/delerium during the night while returning to a lucid state during the day. Most common in the elderly, or post-anaesthetic patient, especially in cases of over-medication. Often referred to informally as "night flights."

n. Acts that religiously or morally are neither prescribed nor proscribed.

o. Religious implements, the precise nature of which is now unknown, used in the worship of Artemis Braurion

Defintions supplied by:
Annastrophic, Bingley, Capfka, coffeebean, Faldage, Jomama,
JosieWales, just visiting, Rhuby, Shanks, slithy, TEd, tsuwm, wofa, Zed, plus of course the true definition

Note: one player gave the true definition, but then decided to give a false one. Two players gave the same definition (in different words, natch) so I have combined them into one.

