Dear Capfka: "chuffed" or "chuff" is not a word I would use
in any case. And as for the scatological part, I got it from a long site about Brit slang.

chuff Noun. 1. Rubbish, nonsense. E.g."That film was a load of chuff."
2. The anus. [Aust.]
3. The vagina.
4. A passing of wind from the anus, a 'fart'.
Also used as a euphemism for 'fuck' in expressions such as the denial - "Did I chuff!"
chuffed Adj. Pleased, delighted. Compare with 'dischuffed' and 'chuffed to buggery'. E.g."I'm well chuffed at the result." [1950s]
chuffed as nuts Adj. Extremely pleased.
chuffed to buggery / fuck Adj. Very pleased. E.g."She's chuffed to buggery that they are marrying before the baby is born."
chuffer Noun. 1. A contemptible person.
2. An annoying, difficult or disappointing occurrence. E.g."It's a right chuffer, breaking my leg just before the football season starts."
Chuffer is a euphemism for 'fucker'.
chuffing Adj. A euphemism for 'fucking'. E.g."That chuffing idiot has scratched my fave record."
chuffin 'ell! Exclam. Euphemism for 'fuckin hell'.