
In Internet Explorer (or Netscape if you're using that), click on the "Help" menu item, click on "Contents and Index" and type "cookies" into the search term text box. In Explorer, the word "cookies" will be displayed and highlighted in the box below the search term box.

From this point, all the instructions are for Explorer - I don't have Netscape.

Double-click on the highlighted "cookies" item. This will tell you all about Microsoft's cookies, which are a damned sight less palatable than the ones mother used to make.

At the bottom, there will be link to "Set a security level". Click on that. Follow the instructions (and your nose).

If your security level is set too high, your browser refuses to accept cookies - and the board refused to talk to you unless you do. So you have to reduce the security level to medium so that the board and your browser can talk to each other ...


The idiot also known as Capfka ...