Another anecdotal story - When I lived in a condo Betty, a lady who lived two units from me, had a male cat. Betty adopted the cat after the cat had spent time, abandonded, in the wild. She named him Precious. One day a sickly, scared young female cat crawled into Betty's small garden at the front of her unit. Betty tried to entice the female into the house but had to abandon efforts because the female tried, weakly, to run away. She put out milk and a small blanket for the kitty and kept watch on her. Precious meanwhile, caught small animals to feed her. Eventually the wee one gained enough trust to let Betty take her in and get vet care for her. Precious remained protective of her and yowled when Betty tried to take the female to the Vet without his accompanying them.
I am a dog person basically but Precious was one of the great cats I have met.
Who was it who said "Dogs have owners. Cats have staff?"