Raju, thanks for starting this thread. If you have a look at the etymology of chemise.


You'll see that camisole, chemise, Spanish camisa, are all from Latin, though the Latin, or Greek, word may have been from Semitic. I think it'd be safe to say that it may have made its way into Urdu via Persian, but it could have made it into Hindi or another language via Portugese or French. Persian could've borrowed it from Arabic which in turn could've borrowed it from a Romance language in the Mediterranean.

BTW, for the others in the thread who may not know: Urdu and Hindi are the same language (basically) written in different characters: devanagri for Hindi and Arabic letters for Urdu. They are mutually intelligible when spoken for most speakers of either. Sort of like the language formerly known as Serbo-Croatian, but now Serbian and Croatian.