of troy said: i read the defination..well i felt for faldage

I certainly did not know that meaning. When I use that word I mean it in the sense that was referred to in the comments on Lyndon Johnson. I'll try not to use it on this board due to the large number of people for whom it does have that unfortunate connotation, but I doubt if I'll stop using it in situations in which I feel the audience is exclusively US'ns. For us it does carry a connotation of raw frontier England ain' our home country mystique.

I did not feel shot down from tsuwm's revelation, simply informed.

I apologize for any offense I may have unwittingly caused, but it's a little like the problem encountered by speakers of one form or another of South American Spanish using words that are totally acceptable in one country and grossly impolite in others.


Ms. of troy. I just recently discovered that you are Herakles' half sister.