oh i didn't think you were--- i had come across the word, but had forgotten it--well, its not a word you normally use in conversation--well not one i usually use in converstion and when i read the defination... well i felt for faldage, and didn't quite know what to say, and was-- (congratuation were in order-- an i failed to notify you--) stunned into silence!

i actually came across the word on my son's web page--unfortunately no longer running-- it was www.qz.to-- and got underway when congress- in defiance of first amendment tried to ban "pornography" from the net...
qz was a free X rated web page...

occationally a young whipper-snapper would blush when they found out i was familiar with the site-- and stunned when i spoke proudly of my son's efforts... somehow, they expected some one their mothers age to be an old foggy!

do you remember the song from Hair? (why do these words sound so nasty?) most of the "nasty words" were new to me, and such fun looking up! (but i was so young then!)