this is all very strange. Tink (KNIT backwards) and tinking, (un knitting a few stitches) is one thing. tinkers, (itinerent workers who came round to fix the holes in your tin pots and pans, and who are the 'stars' of many a bawdy ballad!) are something else.
now days, the term tinkers is generaly used on anyone who fixes up, or puts something that was broken to a new use (just as tinkers of old make old leaky pots into something useful again) --by just thinking about how it can best be used-- not following any specific instructions or directions.

then there are knitters, fiber artist, and nit pickers.. and finally there are thinkers.

the groups are not exclusive!

i am thinker, and a tinker (new sense of the word!) and a knitter, and on occation i have been a nit picker(both literally and figuratively!)

some here aren't much for nit picking (literally or figuatively!) more aren't much for knitting, but most are both tinkers and thinkers!