I'm sad that your daughter has become the target of bullies, FF. Nobody needs or deserves that. I'm assuming that you can't do anything about it except be supportive.

But just because her school or teacher doesn't know how to run group projects doesn't mean to say that they are useless or that they can't be run properly. I used to run group projects when I was a lecturer, and the way I had them set up no one could avoid doing his or her own work - or if he or she did, it would show. Each member of the group always had to do a vive voce presentation of his or her part of the project, and as part of that he or she had to show how that work had enabled the overall group objective to be met. You can't bullshit that - you have to know what you're talking about.

I weighted the individual marks around content, presentation and the vive. Each part had to be passed at the 70% level for the student to pass. The group mark was actually only 25% over the overall outcome. Believe me, after the first project, the process was taken very seriously, and the students found out the hard way that I wasn't an easy touch. The first semester I did this, I had a 25% failure rate. Nearly all of the fails came from the viva voce, because it only took a few questions to demonstrate that the student hadn't actually done the work himself. The second and subsequent semesters had a very low failure rate because the students were on to the process and did the hard yards ...

I'm sure there are other ways of doing it as well.