I myself have also have begun to conclude that due to the shear weight of numbers its almost impossible to dig your way to the top of the pile of incomprehensible words that make no sense yet are no small part of the ever increasing form of gobbledygook that regularly confronts us each day in the nightly news. We're continually presented with no end of stringless communications which have no thread. Even the endless printed matter passing through our monitors generally fails to weave any magic.
Coming to grips with these intangibles is almost impossible, yet we're continually forced to wade through this river of rubbish confronting us. The incessant use of ineffective verbose communications circumvents the purpose for which it's intended. Literally mountains of words are flung at us daily and we're asked to grasp their essence. I give up, i can't take it anymore and i've decided to do something about it. It's time we all spoke up and said what we really thought. Let's no longer ramble on like politicians. We have to stop beating around the bush and cut to the chase. No longer should we be content to parry our thrusts. It's time we cut to the quick and let's not spare the gore. It's time we thought seriously about our personal procastrination got up off our butts and climbed our own personal mountain yelling from the top of our voices and depths of our hearts for and end to this needless prattle. I think we all firmly believe this.