i tend to treat email, and PM's as public.. they are really--they are stored on a server (somewhere in the sky!) and while they are password protected... there is a long history of supposedly secure sites being penitrated.

my email, my PM are safe --for the same reason a fish in a school is safe.. there is some safety in numbers. 99% of the email that go through the AWAD server are only of interest to the sender (and sometimes to the recipients!) they are on the internet--which means-- they are too some degree- public--but they are so insignificant when there are so many more intersting things to hackers.. (like charge card numbers, or bank information... or what ever!)There is safety in sheer volume!

i think--though-- if you are going to make PM/private emails fully public.. you should do that.

it is unfair to paraphrase (and to name the writer) if you paraphrase-- you are editing and changing the words, and perhaps the ultimate meaning.

every once in a while-- i will send Jackie a post--and say--Hey- did you read this? I think this post is total unfair and hostile! Am i being overly sensitive?

mostly the answer is --Helen, did you check it threaded mode? do so.. you'll see that the comment that seems so hostile is really about another post, and just happens to fall after yours in flat mode.

and once again, i say.'Oh, yeah'-- and realise i am just overreacting!

other times-- Jackie will gently point out.. that the comment seems neutral, or even complimentary... (in a way i hadn't thought of. and sometimes, by the time i have finished my back and forth with Jackie- the post in question has either been clarified.. or buried!

I recognize that i tend to be thin skinned about certain subjects. i have also learned to delay reacting to things that peirce my thin skin.

Dr Bill, i think this is a thin skinned subject for many.

many here do not want their PM and email made public. (its still going to happen sometimes anyway!)

but i do think is very unfair to paraphrase and attribute.

if you want to quote and attribute.. well... maybe sometimes.. but if you are going to paraphrase-- don't mention any names!