On the subject of rats, one gone missing in NY–(forget, "How could you possible know?")

The W Grace building on Lexington Avenue and 42nd St. –near to Grand Central Terminal and Grand Central Station*– had a marque– a metal awning type marque, that was supported by 4 iron (steel? what ever) rods made to look like hawsers, with those conical devises (perhaps Cap't Kiki knows the name of them?) meant to keep ship board rats on the ship and land lubber rats on land.

On one of the rods, was a lovely rat. I don't know if she had an official name, (I always called her gracie) but she's gone!

We all seem to have rat similes, but do any of you have ornamental rats? Or missing rats? Or do any of you know of gracie?

*obviously not the same place