Fewterer. Obsolete. Forms: a. 14-15th vewter b. 16-18th feuterer, futerer, pheu-, phewterer, 16th- fewterer. [Middle English vewter and early modern English fewterer appear to be corrupted adoptions of Anglo-French veutrier ( = Anglo-Latin veltrarius) in the same sense, formed on Old French veutre, vautre, veltre (later French vautre) = Provençal veltre, Italian veltro:-popular Latin veltrum, corruption of Latin vertragum (nom. -us) greyhound, a Gaulish word, formed on Celtic ver- intensive prefix + root trag- to run.]
A keeper of greyhounds. Also in a wider sense, an attendant. Also with defining word prefixed; as fox-, yeoman-fewterer.
This definition is from the Oxford English Dictionary