Ta for that background Maahey. I'd add to that by saying that the Parsee community separates itself, generally, from other Zoroastrians, whom they tend to refer to as Iranis.

Relatives of ours lived in a high rise building on Malabar Hill (in South Bombay), on which, also, the Parsees have probably the most important Towers of Silence in the city. These structures aren't towers, by the way, but large, shallow basins with tall walls (for privacy). The bodies are laid in them ceremonially (the Agyaris, or priests of the Parsees tend to come from specific families, with the tradition passed down from father to son).

The Parsees are very protective of the Towers, and you will rarely, if ever, see a photograph of a Tower of Silence, particularly one in use.

One of the problems, even when I lived in Bombay, was the declining vulture population. The number of dead Parsees 'stacked up' a bit, and the vultures that remained had their choice of tidbits. As a consequence, my aunt and her family have, on occasion, found the odd bone discarded on the balcony by a satiated vulture that couldn't be bothered to try to crack it! As you may imagine, this caused something of a scandal, and there was talk of putting pressure on the Parsees to close their Towers - at least those in Malabar Hill, because of their proximity to humans. I can't remember what the upshot was.

Ah well...