
That's not good, that's great. I can see the musical now.

And I handed my pun ball crown to him.

While this doesn't fit the rules because it is not consecutive homophones, I suspect you will like it:

Poor Doctor Berade. Prior to his untimely death he had made history by breeding a strain of swine that averaged over a ton in weight. On top of being huge, they were extremely efficient, since all they did was lie around all day and turn otherwise useless food into high-quality protein. There were, though, two negaitves. First, the genetic dice had rolled amiss, and these animals had the absolutely worst breath in the world. So bad, in fact, that no one could approach them unless they were stuffed with breath mints. Further, they were so big that humans couldn't handle them, so Doctor Berade had cloned dozens of gorillas who were specially trained to clean and care for the porcine giants. One day Doctor Berade apparently became upset when one of the gorillas dropped a whole bowl of the breath mints; he made the fatal mistake of hitting the gorilla in the presence of more than 75 of the gorilla's compatriots. The police report concluded: Seventy six strong clones fed the pig Berade, with a hundred and ten clorets close at hand.