binbags, garbage bags.. the big black ones are 'leaf bags' (you can't burn fallen foliage in most of US
You can use the plastic bags for leaves? Heavens! Here they sell huge, heavy paper, biodegradable bags in supermarkets for the autumnal cleanups. If you put leaves out in plastic bags the Public Works men will not take them away.
Haven't smelled that wonderful autumn smell of burning leaves for many years. Ah, memories conjured.......
On another note - is the phrase "picking up" a person a US thing?
If a boy talks to a girl without being introduced in an effort to have her make a date with him or go for a cup of something he is trying to "pick her up."
In my day it was frowned on and telling your Mom a boy tried to "pick you up" was cause for concern! How times change!
Same thing in other places?