A men's hair style word I haven't seen for a long time.
Curly in short parallel waves. I haven't heard "Mazuma"
for a long time, either.
""'I'm telling you this with reservations,' says he. 'They ain't
Buffalo Bill Indians; they're squattier and more pedigreed. They call
'em Inkers and Aspics, and they was old inhabitants when Mazuma was
King of Mexico. They wash the gold out of the mountain streams,' says
the brown man, 'and fill quills with it; and then they empty 'em into
red jars till they are full; and then they pack it in buckskin sacks
of one arroba each--an arroba is twenty-five pounds--and store it in a
stone house, with an engraving of a idol with marcelled hair, playing
a flute, over the door."