'Scuse me, sir, that's "fencible"...and--are you looking to bring the wrath of both Wordwind and Sparteye down on your head? Actually, the VA. fence thing could as well be Kentucky fence; Kentucky's surveying was done on the metes and bounds system, and it wouldn't surprise me if Virginia's were, also.

In the course of trying to find out the above, I came across this utterly charming story, which I strongly recommend that everyone read, but esp. Dr. Bill. I'll try posting the link, but it's humongously long. If it makes the thread go wide, I may just copy the entire story.


EDIT: It didn't make the thread wide on my screen, but I know that may not be true for everybody. Holler if it made yours go wide.

EDIT 2: Ok, I did. I'd prefer it go straight to the read, but I guess people can figure out to click on Story. Edit 3: Eep--sorry about the mantle.