In 1986 I vacationed on the Gold Coast, in Australia, in a delightful city called Surfers Paradise. (no apostrophe, if I remember correctly.)

The downtown merchants association has hired tall slim blonde ladies (of whom Australia had FAR more than their fair share I might add), dressed them in gold lame (with that funny little mark over the e) bikinis,and paid them to go around putting money into parking meters so tourists shopping downtown would not be inconvenienced by a ticket. IMy firends who live there had told me about them, but I didn't believe it until I actually saw them.

Darryl's nephew, about 18 at the time we visited, was son entranced by one of these ladies that he fell off a roof and broke his arm.

Somewhere I have a postcard showing two of these winsome lasses caressing a parking meter, and I think they were just called meter maids.