NYC meter maids used to wear brown uniforms, and were called brownies.. they were often assaulted too, by unhappy motorist... now they wear identical uniforms to police officers, (with different 'insignia'), and they don't carry guns. assault have dropped signifigently.

they are horrid! one morning, as 9:30 approched,(OK, so it was 9:29) i got in my car to move it.
a meter maid in a patrol car came up and parked behind me, and the driver made a 'show' of look at his wrist watch. My seatbelt was mangled and it took a few seconds to get it straight.. by now the patrol car is inches from my bumper.. i really feet harrassed. Obviously, i was about to pull out. As soon as i did, the car raced down the street (in the parking lane, to 1 remaining car, and was out of the patrol car, writing a ticket, before the light had changed, i left the area. the guy was itching to write a ticket!