whem i was still in HS, the creek that ran behind the HS i attended was in the news--somebody had found an living organism in the water--it was feeding on the oil sludge residue that the creek was known for.
(this was westchester creek, a barely navigalable bit of water that was banked with oil and coal companies. these commodities were still shipped into the bronx by barge when i was kid)

Life will out... its amazing what can be found living and feeding on what, through out the world.
at the time, it was thought that the organism would help clear up industrial waste, an environmental boon. you know;
Direction to clear rivers/waterways of oil and petrochemical waste: add X quanity of Micro-organism per cubit foot of waterway, wait X weeks, return to crystal clear water

while the organism did live on petro chemical waste/contamintion, they weren't really happy doing so, and they certainly didn't breed and mulitply, and devour the abundant food source quickly.