FS, your analysis is spot on; it is quite a useless number. In fact, I could be heard recently remarking to myself that I hoped it would go unnoticed this time around. (I recall big hoopla for numbers 2000 and 3000.)

just for grins, here is the grand progression:
1000 - June 30, 2000 (this went almost completely unremarked upon)
2000 - Jan. 26, 2001 (this thread nicely melded the 2000 v. 2001 debate)
3000 - in or around the Ides of March, 2002 (the insignificance of this statistic is finally broached)

Notes: 1) one can only note that the rate of incidence has rather dramatically slowed.
2) I found these via the following searches: x000 AND users