You peopel are very strange Yeah, what else is new? and from what i can tell not a very intelligent group you need to dig a bit deeper to make this assesment with little other to do other than over analyze people.That's just because there are words attached to *them I am sorry that you americansWhile there may be a large number of "americans" here on this board, it is not appropriate or accurate to categorize everybody who posts here as having the same nationality (or even close) cannot belive that it is increadabley easy to speak english. Americans don't speak English, they speak American. Also I find you talk is here rather bland.It's just the way we like it. Also I had been told of this web site in england while they where making fun of what was talked about good to see they've joined the club and you in ablitiy to hold conversation This ain't a chat room. while using your won beliefs. This is what is commonly known as "the pot calling the kettle 'black'. I did not want to believe this about you fine americans, but as you always do so well you prove us europeans wrong and act like pompus asses. "americans" are too busy dealing with Asia to care much about Europe I can pretty much gauruntee that none of you have published much if you did I am sure you would not spend your time on this site with a gathering of fools.We all publish every day, right here. The fact is a do live in Prague and have my whole life and righ tnow I am writting an article for a city paper making a good deal of fun of this web site. be cause there is not much else you can say about it. Please provide a url link so we can all have some fun, as well. Also your treatment of out siders is the worst I have ever ecounterd. You need to get out more. I have decided that maybe one of you will read this realize that he or she is washed up and will leave this online circus and enter the real world of words a writing. Are you saying circuses aren't real? Have any of you taken a step back and rad what is writtinen about on this site We all do, most every day. nothing can be talked about without someone making a stupid remark because that cant handle not being the smartist guy on the page is is halirous I can pretty much gauruntee that none of us make stupid remarks for that reason and i can assure you that I wil not waste anymore time trying to get any good info from this washed up library of fools "Waste not, want not" ut instead will stop by and look when ever I need a laugh That's mostly why I come here!

Good luck on your quest for your personal *grail.
