(Ab*la"tion) n. [L. ablatio, fr. ablatus p. p. of auferre to carry away; ab + latus, p. p. of ferre carry: cf. F. ablation. See Tolerate.]

1. A carrying or taking away; removal. Jer. Taylor.

2. (Med.) Extirpation. Dunglison.

3. (Geol.) Wearing away; superficial waste. Tyndall.

NASA has added a new use for this word. When spacecraft
re-enter earth's atmosphere they are travelling at such a
high speed that the friction of even rarified air produces
tremendous heat, that could melt any metal. So a special
ceramic tile had to be devised. These are able to withstand
the heat until air resistance has decelerated the spacecraft
to a safe landing speed.It was undetected failure of these
special tiles that cause destruction of Columbia.
As these tiles become incandescent, a small amount of
surface material is lost - this is called "ablation".