"Tonia Perez, the girl who loved the Cisco Kid, was half Carmen, half Madonna, and the rest--oh, yes, a woman who is half Carmen and half Madonna can always be something more--the rest, let us say, was humming-bird. She lived in a grass-roofed jacal near a little Mexican settlement at the Lone Wolf Crossing of the Frio. With her lived a father or grandfather, a lineal Aztec, somewhat less than a thousand years old, who herded a hundred goats and lived in a continuous drunken dream from drinking mescal."

Pronunciation: me'skal

Matching Terms: mescal bean, mescal button, mescaline

WordNet Dictionary

Definition: [n] a colorless Mexican liquor distilled from fermented juices of certain desert plants of the genus Agavaceae (especially the century plant)
[n] a small spineless globe-shaped cactus; source of mescal buttons

Synonyms: Lophophora williamsii, mezcal, peyote

See Also: Agave atrovirens, booze, cactus, genus Lophophora, hard drink, hard liquor, John Barleycorn, liquor, Lophophora, maguey, mescal button, sacred mushroom, spirits, strong drink