Wow--wow! This is amazing! Scratching...yes. Wow! I looked up shrive and found [Middle English schriven, from Old English scrīfan, from Latin scrībere, to write.] . What does giving/doing penance/absolution have to do with writing? Surely they didn't used to? Esp. since so few in the Middle Ages could read.
I finally looked up cacoëthes scribendi in wwftd: the irresistible urge to write . Last night on TV there was a (true) crime show in which the husband was acquitted of murdering his wife, in part because her epileptic condition caused her to fill the walls of their home with writing, none of which gave any possible motive for murder. (Aside: and, yet again--I looked at this morning's paper, and there, with some minor changes, was the recipe for the dish I made for supper last night.)
I looked up stelliscript, too, and was pleased that I had guessed its meaning.

All of you--please put on your thinking caps. This kind of thread is what this board is supposed to be about (except for my little personal asides, sorry).