Dear WW: pyramidal here refers to appearance of cross section of the spinal cord. I think it is the areas where right and left motor nerves are located. Neuroanatomy was a hellish course with just too much to learn in the time alloted to it. I'll see I I can find anything on Internet.

All the pictures I could find were in some oddball format my computer could not read. But here's a paragraph. Just a sample to give you an idea of the mumbo-jumbo that was so hard to learn, because there were hundreds of pages of it.

"Complete lesions of the pyramidal or lateral corticospinal tract produce upper motor neuron findings of spastic paralysis and hy-peractive deep tendon reflexes. Lesions to the motor tracts can be further localized by determining whether the motor deficit is on the same side of the body as the lesion. Brain lesions (eg, stroke) cause a contralateral deficit, while spinal cord lesions (eg, hemisection of the cord) cause upper motor neuron signs on the same side of the body."