Any vintage Woody Allen movie: Annie Hall, Love and Death, Manhattan, Sleeper, etc.

The Producers, Mel Brooks

Angels With Dirty Faces (did Cagney fake his cowardice on the way for the chair for the sake of the kids, or was it real? of the most perfectly played scenes in cinematic history..and Cagney took his interpretation to the grave with him, so we'll never know)

The Quiet Man

To Kill A Mockingbird

African Queen

Hitchcock's "Rear Window"

Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein

The Time of Their Lives (Abbot and Costello)

Bonnie and Clyde (never get tired of this one)

Jaws (or this one)

The Hustler (Paul Newman and Jackie Gleason)

Mr. Roberts

Miracle on 34th Street

Holiday Inn, White Christmas

Alistair Sims' "A Christmas Carol"

Ocean's 11 (the original)

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

All the original horror flicks, Dracula (Lugosi), Frankenstein (Karloff), The Wolfman (Chaney), The Bride of Frankenstein, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, etc.

Invaders from Mars (the original)

Man of 1,000 Faces (Lon Chaney bio starring James Cagney in one of the most brilliant performances of his illustrious career...a wonderful film...if you've missed this one, you're missing a gem, see it immediately)

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

The Hasty Heart


Field of Dreams

Pride of the Yankees