Wow, Wow, you wrote (rantingly): And while I am blowing off steam, it is Linotype, not linotype. Linotype is a proprietary word, please!

Sorry, chum, but the term "linotype" over the years came to cover, generically, all keyboard operated typesetting machines with the interesting exception of the Monotype.

Soooo... Intertype, Linotype and Mergenthaler machines were all linotypes. The process of machine typography (in which I hold a now totally invalid and singularly useless Advanced Trade Certificate) was called, commonly, "linotype operating". Our newspaper didn't even have Linotype-brand linotype machines.

There. I've seen your RANT and raised you two RANTS. Are you still in the game or is your mouth too full of semi-masticated newsprint? Carpet probably tastes better, especially a nicely toasted Axminster.

The idiot also known as Capfka ...