
(By the way, if you prefer that I stick with 'of troy', I will, but I'm afraid with that screen name I'd be calling you Helen if your name was Esmerelda!)

My Dear, my Dear--bless you, there are all kinds of education. Book-learning isn't everything, though it does
offer a lot. And, you know, it's never too late, if it's something you'd really like to make up for. I keep reading
about older people going back to school and feeling petrified, and invariably they have a good time. There are
also adult ed. classes in most areas. I'm not telling you you should--that's strictly an individual decision--just saying that there are possibilities.

I can plainly see that there is a whole heckuva lot that you could teach me, and quite a few others, I suspect. You may have all the slack you want, Dear One, as far as I'm concerned. To borrow from an absolutely wonderful post that I read so long ago I've forgotten its author, you are the only one who has had your experiences, and therefore we all can learn something from you. I admire your courage, my Dear.