>TEd, if I wasn’t over here and you weren’t over there I would kiss you on the lips. . . . What a bust.

Drat! I miss out once again. And I notice that I went from buss to bust!!!

All seriousness aside, bel, this has been one of my major peeves for years. And I don't hesitate to track down the authors and let them know. With the internet many of them are really quite close.

Jeff Shaara wrote a book about OUR Civil War. The Vice President in the administration prior to Lincoln's was a Southerner named Breckinridge. He went South, much to the disgust of the residents of the eponymous town here in Colorado, who changed its name to Breckenridge in response to what they considered treason. (How's THAT for a bad sentence???)

Anyway, in his novel, Shaara used the wrong spelling. I wrote him a letter and he responded very graciously with an "oops" and said there were a few other things in the book which got missed, including his saying that John Brown had been hung. I had noticed but figured the name misspelling was of more import :).