TEd, if I wasn’t over here and you weren’t over there I would kiss you on the lips. Since distance forbids , I will now erect a statue in your honour. I thought I was the only one who spotted these things. If I find one error, it registers, I hmmm a little and I move on, but sometimes there are so many that it seriously annoys me. You are right, WHERE are the editors?

I recently ran across a word I did not know in the preface of a compendium of horror stories. I always read the story before the preface because, very often, the prefacer will give away the whole plot. The prefacer (the editor no less) said the story represented the author’s style since the writing was very elegaic.

Not knowing what it meant, and not being able to glean the meaning from the surrounding sentences or the story, I did my usual; I looked it up.

I found that it was A) a MISSPELLING of elegiac and B) that it barely represented to style, which was maudlin at best. It looked like the editor was trying to show off his vocabulary. What a bust.