23%(followed by some more numbers starting with a .1, so i didn't bother -and rounded down.)

it's not fair they give point for having a web page before 1996, but not for having a computer before 1985! and you get points for a telescope, but not for an osiliscope!-- or for a three beam ballance scale, .. my geekyness is too far off range.. and definately, i should have gotten points for 1) knowing what a klien bottle is,
2) knitting a klein bottle hat..(with stripes, using a fibinocci sequence..)

the 5 five extra points awarded for being female just weren't enough.. (and i think that my son should get points for having a parent who scored 23%!)but ...

i actually am not displeased, i always say, i am not really weird, i am just 2 standard deviations from norm, i am not a real out-lier!