I was asleep in my bedroom, which is directly above the living room window where he sits and listens, when I heard pecking at my bedroom window. I recognized the familiar sound, and looked at my window. There sat mockingbird looking in at me. Immediately I got up, he flew away, and I went downstairs to where my parents were drinking coffee and told them that the bird had awakened me. Grabbing a cup of coffee as quickly as I could, I went to the piano and began to play for him--and, sure enough, within a minute he was at the living room window looking in and pecking every now and then.

Do you think this bird is smart enough that he now recognizes my head and knows that I'm the one who plays for him? I must admit to being shocked that he pecked at my bedroom window while I slept. Perhaps it was just coincidence--he just happened to fly to a new window--but he has, in the past, only pecked at the living room window. He looks rather fat as far as mockingbirds go, by the way.

Must get ready for church, but this latest report couldn't wait.