Allô Drum,

In French we say une herbe to mean greenery that grows in the ground that you either mow or put in food. We do not pronounce the H. In older cooking shows they always pronounced the H. Then some 8 or 10 years ago it bacame fashionable to NOT pronounce the H as a sign of haute cuisine. It reminds me of the disagreements concerning the pronunciation of Porshe (POR-SHA, PORSH, POR-CHE) or the Latin C.

Oooo Drum, did you win your elections?

A bit of info for the rest of board, Canada has just held national elections for Prime Minister. The election notice was given five weeks ago. We voted on Monday. Final results were got and done with Tuesday in the wee hours of the morning.

P.S. - and nobody is sueing anybody else (just kidding my U.S. pals, I just had to get that in there. What is it that Flip Wilson used to say, "the devil made me do it." )