i have tried a few knitting boards, but they are flat.. half the folk can't do more than the simplest of knitting (scarves, the remaining folks are interested in swapping patterns or finding free ones... the simpler the better..
meanwhile, i have been documenting my pattern (for sale) one cape, has about 110 rows of work in it, 90 of the rows are different, (there are 2 groups of repeats, 10 rows at time, towards the end.) every once in a while there is a person who is interested in something beyond the most basic knitting, but they are often specialized.. one woman knits lace shawls, intricated, elaborate lace shawls, nothing else... so she is not interested in my lace cape, she only does shawls..

and if they have other interest, beyond knitting, it never leaks out into their posts.. (i feel out of place there, but never have,never do here!)