Not really. Never, actually. Quite the opposite, in fact.

However, I am wondering about other boards on which people post. I know there are all kinds of topics out there--everything from diets to financial investments, neither of which holds any interest for me.

But I am wondering about particularly interesting boards--rich in ideas (at least occasionally)--and how one would go about ferreting them out. I came across AWAD purely by chance, and a lucky chance that was.

Also, when I played violin for a while, was supreme--that is, till I nearly crippled my fingers with practicing too much at my age.

Let's see. There's StraightDope for political discussions and other controversial board talk. I suppose one could spend one's life on board if so inclined.

But back to my question: How would you go about finding boards of interest? Other than through friends and by chance. Is there a rigorous method by which one can google boards and get good results? If so, what is that rigorous method?