Dear Wordwind

One drama that comes to mind with a fantastic climax and roller-coaster ride is, of course, Wilde's brilliant The Importance of being Earnest. In the final act, once Miss Prism is identified, everything moves on to the sounds of Jack desperately looking for the handbag. We, in the audience (or you, 'gentle reader'), know that something big is about to happen. But the action doesn't stop. Jack's frantic, but mistaken attempts to hug first Lady Bracknell, and then Miss Prism, then the revelation of his actual birth, the realisation that Algy's his younger brother and finally, the discovery from the army records that his name is, after all, Earnest, are as roller-coaster-like a set of dramatic incidents as any I know of.

To be fair, though, almost any decent bedroom farce should provide you with a climactic final act - though how seriously you take the characters and their circumstances I don't know.

Anyway, them's my recommendations. Denouements awayyy!