Shorter link never works for me so the general location is above. Click Beverege and then click Kettles.
I couldn't manage half as well without my Black and Decker electric kettle! Heats eight cups in 90 seconds and has a features that automatically turns it off instead of letting it boil dry.
As I have grown older I have all my small appliances with the auto-shutoff feature!
I love a cup of hot tea and the boiling water must be poured over the teabag in a cup or leaves in the teapot. If the restaurant says they have to serve a cup of hot water with bag in the saucer, I have been known to ask for an extra, *empty* cup ... HA! ... and solve the problem neatly and to the amazement of the server.
The kettle is also useful for my son to heat water *fast - the boiling water is poured over his surfboard to get rid of old wax - the non-slip stuff applied to the surface.
I have many uses for my kettle.
The B&D kettle has an insulated bottom so no problem there.
The "cordless" type came out years after I bought my kettle. When it had to be replaces in another ten years or so, I will opt for the cordless.
I have an automatic coffee maker, too.
I am a fuss pot about tea so even by-the-cup, the cup has to be warmed by pouring boiling water into it before the tea brewing begins. I have cups with covers to hold the heat and even cup-size cozy - My tea cups are porcelain because I think it tastes better in porcelain than in clay-ceramic mugs.
Microwave tea is anathema to me. Putting a teabag into hot water? Yeck! Water must be poured over the tea, loose or bagged. Harumph!
Nothing beats a cup of hot tea in mid-afternoon - especially on a gray day and most especially in winter.
My mother and I used to have a cup together in the kitchen when I got home from school and before my three brothers trooped in! Happy memories.
All my fellow USns : get a kettle and have a cuppa! You won't be sorry!