Initially, I was a bit worried about the high proportion of books that are never heard of again, however, having discovered the book skips outside the back of a charity bookshop to which I have often donated ( and been a customer) I figured you can never be sure that a book you give away will ever be read again so why not have a little fun with it, and give a stranger a world for free. I live near a bus depot and I plan to ride the buses between two stops for an hour or so, leaving a book on each one. Some of these books are pretty bad in my opinion but we bought them and read them so it is a safe bet that someone will appreciate them, if only for the duration of a rush hour traffic jam, on the bus on the way to work. Of course, if you are uncomfortable with the idea of just random distribution, you can set up book rings and then you definitely know that someone who wants the book has it. Also, I read a hell of a lot and live in a small house so practicalities of space have definitely stoked my enthusiasm for this project.