None of Father Steve's made it into that edition, but I'll check those out on tonight.


Take, for example, the Roosevelt elk (first on my list, none of which "made it" past the AHD test). The critter is recognized zoologically as Cervus elaphus roosevelti. They inhabit the high forests and mountains of the West and are often seen at timberline in the Olympic National Park. They are to be distinguished from the Rocky Mountain Elk, which is found to the other side of the Cascade Divide. The Native Americans hereabouts called them "wapiti" which is a reference to the white on their bottoms.

See generally "Field Guide to North American Mammals", National Audubon Society, Chanticleer Press, Inc. New York, New York (1996-1997)

And toss out any cheap horribly-abridged dictionary which fails to note the exitstence of this noble critter.