or do you think that the colours would clash!

Explode, more likely. These artificially created elements have half-lives measured in milli-, micro- or pico- seconds. I believe they are expecting a 'region of stability' to emerge once they get to and past element 118 - but that simply means that they half-life might be as great as one-hundredth of a second. Scientists have weird ways when using relative terms like stable, large, accurate and so on. Remember the big hoo-ha about 'high temperature' ceramic superconducting materials. If you ever ploughed through the articles you discovered that these incredible high temperatures were usually lower than -50 Celsius (no higher than 223 Kelvin, or lower than -58 Farenheit, for those either science-obsessed, or unaware that there is such a thing as the metric system).

Similarly, they consider the universe to be balanced uncannily between contraction and expansion. How close is this 'uncanny' balance - oh, within a factor of a few magnitudes. (This means it could be a thousand times heavier or lighter than they think - this is the uncanny accuracy that is leading many of them to religion - there had to be a god if the universe was fine tuned to this degree!)