Well, for that, one would have to know that a gong wasn't necessarily a gong.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [light bulb e]
Nah, surely not: it's way too convoluted...[second thought e]
But look at who-all does it... [am I being too suspicious but they really do have weird senses of humor e]
But--could the ones (1's) in place of the i's in Kiwi refer to snake eyes when 2 dice are rolled, each with one dot up? (Snake) eyes = i's?
If I don't get some other explanation, I'm going to assume that this one is it, because otherwise I am going to lose it completely: every time I see that "spelling" I cannot bring myself to put, I read it phonetically as key-one, we-one, and I can't stand it any longer, I tell you!