very visible


You know, Mr. Yustas, you may be the nicest person in the world and you may have written the best book in the world, but I still have to say that I resent your popping up here and making posts about things that make no sense, with no explanation whatsoever.
It is only with great (and resented) effort that my feeble mind has finally been able to put together some sort of reason behind this, and it goes: "Hello, my name is yustas kotz-gottlieb, and I have a web site about a supposed artist that includes an "interview" with this "artist" who "says" things like "-When a man is awake, a man is asleep; everything encloses. And when you enclose your line you create the reality in which the man truly exists not knowing that he is entrapped in a secluded world of his own doing which he cannot escape." Which I know makes no sense, because I have written a book about all of his paintings that don't exist, hoping that people will realize it's all in fun and buy my book."
Had your initial post said something along the lines of 'hey, if any of you would like to have a little fun, try reading my site', I would have been a lot happier.